Early Symptoms of Dementia

Dementia can happen at any age, however for the elderly symptoms usually appear during their 60s or older and is believed to be early-onset Alzheimer’s. As our loved ones age, they may begin to display symptoms of dementia.  The following are a few early symptoms of dementia: Memory loss (Forgetting Things) Misplacing Things Distracted Easily … Read more

Understanding Dementia Symptoms, A Detailed Description

Dementia written on a road with missing puzzle pieces on a horizon

  Growing up, I remember hearing comments about members of our elderly community regarding their forgetfulness. Some of these comments were “They going senile”; “They got old-timers disease”; “They getting forgetful”; or “They are aging”. As an adult, I learned that the correct term for this condition is dementia. Shortly after the pandemic, my uncle … Read more

About Marilyn

photo of my uncle

Hi, I am Marilyn, I decided to create this website to help people like myself search for ideas/suggestions that can assist as caretakers/givers of seniors/people living with Alzheimer’s/Dementia and living on their own as in the case of my uncle. “Just looking for a guy for a Job” In November 2019, on Veterans Day, I … Read more